WISECP Services

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WISECP Services

We can help you with WISECP Setup and integration of modules with WISECP to meet your business requirements. We offer automation services for your Web Hosting and Digital platform!


One Time


WISECP Installation
Domain Service integration
Web Hosting Service Integration
Server Integration
Payment Gateway Integration
Products display on client/Web interface
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WISECP Payment Gateway

One Time


Accept Payment Online
Razorpay Payment Gateway
WISECP Authorised Module
Net Banking, UPI, Wallets, EMI
Credit Card, Debit Card
Paypal (for international payments)
Get Module
WISECP Licenses



WISECP Licenses
Monthly or Lifetime License
Branded or Unbranded Licenses
Starting at this price
Get your WISECP License from us
Get WISECP License

What We Have To Offer You?

WISECP comes with all the important tools required to automate your business wisely

If you are looking for experts in WISECP installation, modules integration, add-ons activation, then you have arrived at the right place

We can help you with setting up WISECP solutions and linking of domain registration, web hosting & software licensing services to be listed and mange through WISECP platform. We also offer reliable Web Hosting, Reseller Web hosting, Payment Gateway Modules and Domain Reseller options!

WiseCP Management

WISECP Setup and Management. New WISECP License? We will do all the consolidation and setup work for you and hand over ready to start web interface and admin panel for you.

Third Party Module Installation!

Third Party Module activation. Be it hosting or server, domain reseller or payment gateway. We will complete the activation process for you

Third-Party Integration

Third-Party Integration. If you happen to buy additional modules from WISECP marketplace. We will integrate the same with WISECP platform.

Comprehensive WISECP Consulting

Comprehensive WISECP Consulting. General possibilities to explore about usage of modern Billing and automation platform - WISECP.
